
The goal of this script is to generate a timestamp on a particular column and sheet upon edits on cells of another column but same sheet. It is a very basic script and can be generalized to many other scenarios as well.

The onEdit(e) trigger function:

This article demonstrates the basic use of an onEdit(e) along with the use of the event object. The latter contains useful information regarding the on edit interaction with the sheet. The onEdit(e) trigger function is one of the most basic simple triggers. It runs automatically when a user changes the value of any cell in a spreadsheet.

The event object:

Many trigger functions, inlcuding onEdit(e) accepts an argument which is the event object. The name of this argument is up to you but the most common names are e or event. The event object contains information about the context that caused the trigger to fire. In this specific project we are interested in the following two objects:

  1. e.source is equivalent to SpreadsheetApp.getActive() which returns an instance of the Spreadsheet class. Therefore, we can apply the getActiveSheet() method to it in order to get the active sheet where onEdit(e) was fired. That is a very important concept because most of the times we just want to capture edits on particular sheets and not on every sheet. The idea here is to get the name of the active sheet and execute some code only when a particular sheet is edited.

  2. e.range returns an instance of the Range class. This class unlocks a big variety of useful methods such as getRow() or getColumn() which allow us to know the row and column number of the cell that was edited. In this way we can control the range of cells for which we set the timestamp upon edits.

If we summarize the above into code, we define the active sheet, the row and the column of the edited cell:

  const as = e.source.getActiveSheet(); // get active sheet
  const row = e.range.getRow(); // get edited row
  const col = e.range.getColumn(); // get edited column

The next step is to use an if statement to incorporate some conditions that will allow us to execute a block of code, in this case the timestamp creation and the set of its value, on particular edits. In this example, we want to react on changes:

  1. in the sheet with the name "Sheet1",
  2. column A or column number 1,
  3. from row 2 onwards assuming we have a header in the 1st row.

If these conditions are satisfied we want to create a timestamp in column B. To get the cell in the same row as the edited cell but in column B or column number 2 we need to apply getRange(row,2) on the active sheet as. Remember row contains the row number of the edited cell. Finally, to set the value, we need to apply setValue() to the range object obtained before. To get the timestamp we simply take advantage of the Date class and we create a new instance of this class.

The above can be translated in the following code block:

  if (as.getName() == "Sheet1" && col == 1 && row > 1){
  as.getRange(row,2).setValue(new Date());

Code snippet:

Here is the complete code snippet of the solution:

function onEdit(e) {
  const as = e.source.getActiveSheet(); // get active sheet
  const row = e.range.getRow(); // get edited row
  const col = e.range.getColumn(); // get edited column
  check if:
  1) the name of the active sheet matches the desired sheet name.
  2) the edited column is A.
  3) the edited row is the 2nd or higher.
  if true, set the date to column B
  if (as.getName() == "Sheet1" && col == 1 && row > 1){
  as.getRange(row,2).setValue(new Date());


Since this is a simple trigger, the installation process is straightforward and requires only 2 steps:

  1. Click on Tools => Script editor on the top menu of your spreadsheet file.
  2. Copy paste the aforementioned code snippet on a blank script in the script editor and save the changes.